For Mac Free Official Get Ocs Inventory Ng Agent Deployment Tool

This article was written by Saint Aardvark the Carpeted
  1. For Mac Free Official Get Ocs Inventory Ng Agent Deployment Tool Download
  2. For Mac Free Official Get Ocs Inventory Ng Agent Deployment Tools
  3. For Mac Free Official Get Ocs Inventory Ng Agent Deployment Tool Free

If you work in smaller environments, like I do, the need for inventorysoftware can seem...well, distant. Maybe you can keep track ofeverything already, or maybe that spreadsheet or wiki page is justfine.

But what happens when you upgrade your systems? What about when you want to getmore information, like service tags or the number of DIMM slots inuse? What about keeping a history of each machine, so you can seewhat problems you've had with it? What about simplyhitting the jackpot and getting ten or twenty or fifty machines in aweek?

Relax. OCS Inventory NG and GLPI are here to help.

Allows you to remote setup OCS Inventory NG agent on Windows and Unix/Linux/BSD computers - OCSInventory-NG/Agent-Deployment-Tool. The remote deployment. OCS Inventory includes the package deployment feature, in order not to control, but to ensure uniformity of the software environments present on the network. From the central management server, you can upload the packets that will be downloaded using HTTP/HTTPS and launched by the agent on the client computer.

OCS Inventory NG

OCS Inventory NG is a French project released under the GPL. Ithelps you:

  • keep track of your systems, including a full inventory of softwareand hardware
  • manage the inventory using a web interface
  • deploy packages to your systems as needed

Now, I'll be honest: I don't use the package management part ofOCSNG. (I use cfengine for that.) Instead, I use the agent softwareto get machines to inventory themselves.

The OCSNG agent a clever tool that runs well on both Unix (I've tested iton OpenBSD, CentOS and Ubuntu Linux, and Solaris) and Windows (I'veonly tried it on Windows XP so far). It takes an inventory of thehardware (including things like Dell service tags), number and type ofhard drives, and MAC addresses, and reports it via the webinterface.

(One gotcha: I tried for a while to get the web interface to workbehind Apache's mod_reverse_proxy, but this failed. In the end I gaveup and put the website on a server available directly from mynetworks.)

Because the agent is meant to be self-sufficient, it willautomagically install the various Perl modules it needs if it can'tfind them and put them under its installation directory (/opt/OCSNG bydefault). I'd rather grab those modules using the distro's packagemanagement tool, so I wish there was a way to turn that behaviour off.However, that's a minor nit.

You'll notice that the management website is kind of spare. Thisis where GLPI shines.


GLPI is another French, GPL'd tool, and it complements OCSInventory quite well. It has a much broader aim: rather than simplykeeping track of your machines, it allows you to keep a whole swath ofinformation about them. Problems and their resolution, supportcontracts, contact people, random notes -- GLPI wil track it all.

Again, though, I already have tools for much of this (RequestTracker for tickets, FosWiki for documentation). What I really likeabout GLPI are the inventory tools.

GLPI will certainly let you add new machines manually to itsinventory. There is a plugin for GLPI called OCS Import that willlet you suck data in from your OCSNG installation, and that's whatI've done.

Installing the OCS Import plugin is simple, but adding new machines takes a bitmore work. Rather than automagically grabbing info from OCSNGwhenever it shows up, the plugin allows you to specify machines toinsert into GLPI, or to update afterward.

(Originally, I was going to write that it was a shame that you hadto do this by hand, not just the first time, but every time theinformation in OCSNG got updated. However, it turns out thereis a script in the plugin to do a mass synchronization ofGLPI with OCSNG and is suitable for running from cron. Memo tomyself: RTFM.)

GLPI's interface is easy to use. You can update locationinformation, add PDFs of support contracts, or change the responsibleperson. You can export inventory lists to PDF. Additionally, you canextend its functionality with a multitude of plugins, coveringeverything from order management to exporting notes to Outlook toshowing Snort alerts.

You've tried chocolate and peanut butter; now try OCS Inventory NGand GLPI. You'll like it.

Further reading:

For Mac Free Official Get Ocs Inventory Ng Agent Deployment Tool Download

Recently i just deploy OCS Inventory NG (Open Computers and Software Inventory Next Generation) to track my IT assets. OCS-NG collects information about the hardware and software of network machines that running the OCS client program (“OCS Inventory Agent”).

In my network environment, i have machine that run on Windows and Mac OS X.

In this tutorial, i just show how to install OCS Inventory agent on Mac OS X machine. You can download the latest OCS Inventory agent installer from OCS Inventory official website. I did try to install the latest version of OCS inventory agent for Mac but it doesn’t work. So, i decided to use the older version of OCS inventory agent which is version 1.1. This version work fine for me in Mac OS X 10.5 and Mac OS X 10.6.

Let’s start with installation of a Mac OS X agent. Download the Mac OS X agent from here and unzip the file. Once the file has been extracted, double-click on Agent_MacOSX_1.1.pkg to start the installation. During the installation, you just follow instruction from installation wizard and click continue to move forward.

Once the installation finished, now you have to configure your Mac OS X machine to communicate with OCS Inventory Server. To communicate with OCS inventory server, you have to point your OCS inventory agent point to the OCS inventory server ip address or domain name.

Here are the steps:-

  • launch your terminal
  • edit OCS inventory agent configuration files by enter following command

sudo nano /etc/ocsinventory-agent/ocsinventory-agent.cfg

  • Change the default server name ocsinventory-ng to your server ip address or domain name

For Mac Free Official Get Ocs Inventory Ng Agent Deployment Tools

For Mac Free Official Get Ocs Inventory Ng Agent Deployment Tool


  • After change, just save the file.

Now the final step that you have to do is to force the OCS inventory agent run. To do it, just enter the following command in your terminal.

sudo /Applications/

Now you can login to your OCS inventory server web GUI. You should be able to see your Mac machine information appear on the web GUI.

For Mac Free Official Get Ocs Inventory Ng Agent Deployment Tool Free

If you have any others tips and trick on deploying OCS Inventory agent on Mac OS X, please share with me by leave your comment here. I will really appreciate it.

P/S: Thank you to those who have developed OCS! This is an excellent tool!